You Just completed Whole30, Now What?
You put so much time and effort into doing whole30. You feel great, your holiday pounds have diminished, and all that fatigue and bloating are gone. But now that it’s over, you’re probably asking yourself, “Now what do I do? Do I have to eat this way forever to feel good? Can I go back to how I was eating before and hope that whole 30 January was enough to get me through to next January?”
Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste!
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De-stressing without booze
Do you feel exhausted and stressed out after a long day at work? Do you often grab a drink in the evenings because of that? It’s easy to come home after a long day and reach for that glass of wine (or pint of beer or shot of your favorite liquor) to help you relax. You may feel like it is helping you de-stress, but in reality it’s not helping your body deal with the stress any better, and can actually make your sleep worse.
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Your exercise questions answered!
Is exercise really that important for my health? Yes! Exercise has physical and mental/emotional benefits. Physically, exercise helps to reduce inflammation, boost your metabolism, burn fat, strengthen your cardiovascular health, boost lung capacity and improve your digestion. Exercise can also help boost your energy levels, and your memory and brain function. The mental and emotional benefits of exercise include improved mood, decreased stress levels, and increased relaxation.
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Picky Eaters
One of the things I hear so often is that kids will only eat a few foods and refuse everything else. This is more common than you think, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. While taste buds start to develop while babies are in the mother’s womb and continue to develop over the next few years, it’s never too late to introduce new foods and add to the list of foods that they will eat.
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Is what you’re eating affecting your mood?
What you eat can affect your mood and your gut health. Low levels of B vitamins and Vitamin D can affect your mood contributing to depression and anxiety as well as other symptoms. What you eat also affects your blood sugar which can have large effects on your mood. Check out the easy ways to help boost your nutrition and stabilize your mood with food.
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Fatigue... and what you can do about it
If you feel tired, sluggish, wish you had more energy or have trouble getting up in the morning, check out these 7 factors that may be contributing to your fatigue, and what you can do about it!
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Healthy Kids
As parents we want nothing more than to raise happy and healthy kids. Health goes far beyond just not getting sick all the time but extends to their energy, mood, health, and overall well-being. Raising healthy kids is not always easy. We are up against so much screen time and technology, over-scheduled lives that leave little room for free-play, meal prep, or let’s face it, enough sleep. Finding a balance between our work schedules, school, after-school extra-curricular activities and family time is key for happy healthy kids and parents.
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8 ways to Heal your Gut microbiome
Is your gut making you sick? Improve your digestive system’s microbiome to heal your whole body. Your microbiome needs a reset if…
You have taken antibiotics or antacids
Eat processed foods (like fast food) and sugar
Consume artificial sweeteners
Your diet lacks fiber
You don’t eat or supplement with probiotics
Your microbiome is the organisms and bacteria that live in your digestive tract (and entire body) and lay the foundation for your health. There are trillions of microorganisms in your gut alone and an imbalance in these organisms can lead to huge health disturbances – weight gain, poor immune function, indigestion, and depression and anxiety.
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7 Tips for Eating healthy through the holidays
Holiday parties, family gatherings and big meals are right around the corner. That means a lot of food, alcohol, and more holiday treats than any one person needs.
I’m not going to tell you to not eat all the holiday treats because a) that’s unrealistic and b) that would just be mean. The best way to maintain your healthy eating through the holidays is balance and utilizing the 7 easy tips below.
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10 ways to eliminate indigestion!
Do you get indigestion? Gas? Bloating? Are you tired of feeling sluggish after meals? Here are 10 tips to help you improve your digestion!
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Mom guilt
If there was one thing that I wish I would have known before having kids, it is how powerful mom guilt can be. I had occasionally heard the term before having kids but never realized that it would become such a presence in my life. Working moms, stay-at-homes, we all feel it.
As moms, we try to do everything that we can for our kids. We do the best we can and even knowing that, we’re somehow still left feeling guilty at the end of the day. We feel guilty for what we do, what we don’t do, what we feed our kids, what we don’t feed them, and the list seems endless.
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Mom self-care
As a mother (of a toddler and baby #2 on the way), I know how easy it is to put kids, family, and housework before yourself but this can be a recipe for disaster! The last thing you want to do is burnout, so if you find yourself taking care of everyone else before yourself, check out our tips below. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first; and if mom can’t take of everyone, who will?!
The following five things are mom must-haves for your health, sanity and overall well-being.
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Your weight doesn't have to be a struggle
If you’re struggling with your weight, don’t despair! Even if you think you’ve tried everything, there are still many things you can do to help, including addressing underlying issues that go beyond the basics.
Your diet, hormones, stress levels, activity level, and your sleep can all affect your weight. Make sure you are addressing all five of these if you’re struggling with your weight.
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De-stress your life naturally
Stress seems to be everywhere these days. Our lives are overscheduled and hectic to say the least which makes taking care of ourselves even more important! The adrenal glands, your “stress glands” help control your body’s stress response, in both acute and chronic situations, inflammation, immune function, weight, and hormones. In other words, they are essential organs that have a big job and need support.
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Healthy eating on a budget
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. I value my family’s health and a large part of that is healthy nutritious eating. But I also have a budget to stick to, so check out the easy tips below to eat healthy while staying within your budget.
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Are you drinking enough water?
If you are drinking less than 8 glasses a day, you’re probably not drinking enough water. In most cases, you want to be drinking half of your body weight in ounces every day (for example: if you weigh 150 lbs., you should be drinking about 75 oz. of water per day, which is a bit more than 9 glasses a day).
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How Can Dr. Sahni Help Me?
What makes Dr. Sahni and other naturopathic doctors different than what many of us are used to? Dr. Sahni utilizes both naturopathic methods and appiled kinesiology to treat the whole person while educating each patient about how to best care for their bodies.
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How to Stay Healthy in the Flu Season
Cold and flu season is coming... Are you ready?
Make sure you are prepared to fight off the cold and flu viruses this season! Here are prevention tips to keep you healthy.
Check back next week for tips on what to do if you get sick.
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4 Tips to Reduce Sugar Intake
Sugar has been a hot topic of conversation lately. As more people have started to realize that sugar is a large contributor to some of our biggest health problems, from obesity to diabetes to heart disease, people are looking for ways to decrease their sugar intake.
Now that you’ve figured out the hidden sources of sugar in your diet and how much sugar you’re really eating with our Hidden Sources of Sugar article, let’s talk about ways to cut back your sugar intake!
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