Dr. Christina Sahni

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Mom self-care

As a mother (of a toddler and baby #2 on the way), I know how easy it is to put kids, family, and housework before yourself but this can be a recipe for disaster! The last thing you want to do is burnout, so if you find yourself taking care of everyone else before yourself, check out our tips below. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first; and if mom can’t take of everyone, who will?!

The following five things are mom must-haves for your health, sanity and overall well-being.

1.       Rest and relaxation. There is a reason that people tell you to “nap when the baby naps” which holds true no matter how old your kids are. You need a break! If your kids are at school, sports practice, on a play date or anywhere else, make sure to take advantage of that time. Take time for yourself doing what you find to be the most relaxing – go for a walk, take a bath, grab a coffee or an adult beverage with a friend, or even binge-watch your favorite show. Don’t think about what else you could be doing (or think you should be doing), rather enjoy taking time for yourself because it is exactly what you should be doing.

2.       Exercise not only boosts your immune system, but can also help boost your mood and energy level to take on the day. It can be hard to find the time, or prioritize, but if you take the time you’ll be glad you did. If your kids are small enough, strap them into the stroller and hit the pavement, or if they’re older, take a family bike ride or go on a family hike. Involve the kids from when they are young and they will be more likely to remain physically active as they get older. It’s a win-win!

3.       Sun is a great source of vitamin D. Even as little as 15 minutes a day can help boost your vitamin D levels, which can boost your immune system and your mood. Spend some you-time outside to get your vitamin D. If you’re in the Pacific Northwest like I am, sun is not in abundance this time of year and you may need a supplement. Make sure your supplement is D3 (which is the active form of Vitamin D) and you’ll get the same benefits as you can from the sun in the summer time.  

4.      Healthy Fats. Healthy fats help support your brain and nervous system, your mood, your energy and your blood sugar. Decades ago fat became the bad guy and people are finally starting to realize that this is far from the truth. Consuming healthy fats has numerous health benefits. Did you know that cholesterol is the back bone of your hormones and your body can’t properly synthesize and balance your hormones without it? This is especially important if you have recently had a baby and are working on re-balancing your hormones after the birth, and even more so if you’re also breastfeeding. Mom’s need fat (and no, eating fat will NOT make you fat!). Check out our nutrition page for more info.

5.       Connection. When you spends lots of time with your little ones, what you often need is adult conversation and connection. Make time for you to get together with friends (without the kids) and alone time with your spouse/partner. Don’t feel like you have to stay home just because you have kids—get out and connect with other adults! Plan a date night out with your partner. While it’s nice to get some alone time at home once the kids are in bed, too often that is after a long day when you’re both tired which can make for little to no actual quality time. Connection is important for your health and sanity but also for your relationships, so make it a priority to get that adult time away from the kids and out of the house, and don’t feel bad about it. Enjoy your time and go home to your kids more relaxed, refreshed and ready to tackle whatever your kids send your way.

Taking care of yourself is essential. Never feel bad about it and don’t ever feel guilty for taking time for yourself. You deserve it, you’ve earned it, and you and your kids will be glad you did it.